Thursday, April 30, 2015

25.4 Notes - Scroll down the power point to the section on Ford

Ch 25 Section 4 Questions

  1. Describe the public mood during the Watergate scandal.  How did Ford respond to this mood?
  2. What political risks did Ford take when he pardoned Nixon?
  3. In what ways did Ford follow Nixon’s policy of Détente?
  4. What might have happened if Ford hadn’t pardoned Nixon?
  5. How did stagflation and recession harm the economy in the 1970’s?
  6. What was the purpose of the War Powers Act?
  7. Who participated in the Helsinki Accords and what were the agreements?
  8. Give 3 examples of how Ford had little success in dealing with the stalled economy or with the Democratic-controlled Congress?
  9. Give 3 examples of how Ford achieved Success in foreign Policy.

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