Thursday, May 29, 2014

May 29

27.3 Questions

Immigration patterns changed near the end of the twentieth century.
1. Where did most immigrants come from in the 1990’s?
2. How did the Immigration Act of 1965 help bring this about?
3. Where did many of the new immigrants settle?
4. What effect has the growing minority population had on politics?
Americans have struggled to make diversity work
5. What aspects of this struggle have led to controversy, and why?
6. Why have some people called for a tougher immigration policy?
7.  What is the purpose of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?
8.  What is the purpose of the World Trade Organization (WTO)?
9.  What is the purpose of the European Economic Community (EEC)?
10.  What were the goals of the European Union, NAFTA, and the WTO?
11.  What was the original goal of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)?

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 27

Chapter 27.2 World Events

Summarize the key events from each of the following countries/regions
Eastern Europe
South Africa
Northern Ireland
Israel and Palestine

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 20

Ch 26 Jeopardy:

Ch 26 Notebook Check

1. Reagan Notes
2. 26.2 Questions
3. 26.3 Notes
4. 26.3 Worksheet
5. 26.4 Worksheet
6.Ch. 26 Review

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 13

Chapter 26 Section 3 Questions

Give a detailed description of the following events

Bicentennial of the Constitution       Extension of the Voting Rights Act
Supreme Court appointments          S & L scandal
Iran-Contra affair                                 INF Treaty
Growth of entitlement programs

Explain significance of each of the following terms

AIDS                       Sandinistas
Contras                 Entitlement

1.  What changes did the American economy undergo in the 1980’s?
2.  How did Reagan’s style of governing contribute to the Iran-Contra affair?
3.  How did Americans celebrate their patriotism in the 1980’s?
4.  In what ways did the Reagan administration address ongoing debates on race?
5.  Why did entitlement spending have a negative effect on President Reagan’s legacy?
6.  How did Reagan’s patriotism affect public opinion?
7.  In a paragraph, explain how the influence of conservatives was felt during the Reagan years, both in social issues and changes to the Supreme Court.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

April 5-6

Read chapter 26 section 1.  For each section in Blue, write 1-2 high level questions that could be used on an exam.

Costa's level of questioning-