Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday-Thursday May 15-18

Ch. 25 Exam Essay Questions

Examine Nixon’s Foreign Policy and the impact on the nation.
  • Realpolitik
  • Détente
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy
  • SALT 1
Discuss the Watergate Scandal and the impact on Nixon’s Presidency.
  • Enemies List
  • Plumbers
  • Woodward & Bernstein
  • Saturday Night Massacre
Compare and contrast the presidencies of Ford and Carter and the major events that shaped their presidencies.
  • WIN
  • War Powers Act
  • Helsinki Accords
  • Iran Hostage Crisis
  • Amnesty
  • Stagflation
  • bicentennial

Exam Thursday!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Thursday May 11

Finished Miracle and completed a quick write and discussion.

Carter Notes (Section 5 of Power Point)

Carter Questions

1. In what ways was Carter’s approach to the presidency different from that of his predecessors?
2. Why did the nation lose confidence in Carter’s ability to help the economy?
3. What efforts did Carter make to deal with the problem of rising oil prices?
5. What compromise formed the basis of the Camp David Accords?
6. What caused the Iran hostage crisis?  
7. Why did American confidence in Carter diminish and hurt his chances for reelection?  

8. How did the Iran hostage crisis end? 

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thursday May 4

1976-1980 ABC Video

Video Questions
1.             When young people turned away from the causes of their day and rejected politics, where did they turn?
2.             What natural disaster of 1977 showed how weak the US could be?
3.             What was Love Canal?
4.             How did forced bussing affect the attitude of people toward the government?
5.             Who were Harvey Milk and George Moscone?
6.             Who called the US the “Great Satan”?
7.             What was the Malaise speech?
8.             What did yellow ribbons signify?
9.             Where did the US defeat the Soviet Union in 1980?
10.          Who is elected president after Carter?

Monday, May 1, 2017

Monday-Tuesday May 1-2

Watergate Stages 
Read each stage of the Watergate scandal and for each stage, summarize what happened in 2-3 sentences.

Watergate Activity
For each of the documents (5 cartoons, 1 photo, 2 written) answer the questions from the appropriate worksheet. 
5 cartoons = Cartoon Analysis Worksheet (Only do Level 1 and Level 2)
1 photo = Photo Analysis Worksheet
2 written = Written Document Analysis Worksheet