Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oct 4

Chapter 18 Review

1              1.  How did the government pay for the war effort?              2. Why did Americans support rationing? 
                 3. Describe 3 ways Americans contributed to the war?     4. What was the Office of War Mobilization?
                 5. What was the Atlantic Charter?                                           6. What was the goal of carpet bombing?
                 7.What are the 5 beaches at Normandy named?                8. Who is Erwin Rommel?
                 9. Where did Battle of the Bulge take place?                       10. What is anti-semitism?
                11. What was Hitler’s Final Solution?                                    12. What is the name of the first concentration camp?
                13. What was Kristallnacht?                                                    14. What happened in the Warsaw Ghetto?
                15. What came out of the Wannsee Conference?              16. What is Genocide?
                17. What is Auschwitz?                                                             18. What day was D-Day?
                19. What day was Pearl Harbor?                                            20. What was America’s strategy in the Pacific?  
                21. What is the Manhattan Project?                                        22. What important idea came out of the Nuremburg Trials?
                23. Why did Truman decide to drop the bomb?                   24. What changes took place with women back home
                                                                                                                        during WWII?  What roles did they assume?
                     Key Terms-
                     GI                                    Victory Gardens          U-Boats                  Kamikaze               Atlantic Charter
                     Carpet Bombing           Hiroshima                  Warsaw Ghetto      Island Hopping     Liberty Ships

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