Monday, February 13, 2017

Monday February 13

Great Society Power Point- Scroll to slide 35

Exam on Thursday/Friday

1.  Define the term mandate.  Explain its significance in the presidencies of BOTH Kennedy and Johnson, using specific examples from each.
·         Mandate
·         Election results
·         New Frontier
·         Economic plans
·         Social programs
·         Space programs
Executive order
2.  Analyze the goals of the Great Society and explain how specific programs attempted to achieve these goals.  What impact have these programs had on U.S. society since they were implemented in the 1960s? 
·         Head Start
·         War on Poverty
·         Medicaid
·         Medicare
·         VISTA
·         Education Act
·         Clean Water Act
·         Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
·         National Debt
Government assistance
3.  To compensate for a weak domestic program Kennedy projected a powerful presence in foreign policy, with only limited success.  Evaluate his foreign policy and explain the international crises he faced.
·         Bay of Pigs
·         Fidel Castro
·         Berlin Crisis
·         Berlin Wall
·         Cuban Missile Crisis
·         Embargo
·         Alliance for Progress
·         Peace Corps
Test Ban Treaty

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