Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday-Thursday April 25-28

20th Century Studies II  Song Analysis Speech    Due: __May 2nd_____

Task:  Chose a song recorded between 1960 and 1975 where the lyrics relate in some way to the 1960/70s history we have studied.
Historical Issues/Events to Consider:
Ch. 22 Civil Rights             Ch. 23 Era of Activism     Ch. 24 The Vietnam
Choose a Song:  Choose a song that has ONE of the following and was recorded from 1960-1975: person, event, counterculture
Research:  Find the following about your chosen song:
- Artist of song      - Recording company         -Date the song was recorded             - Lyrics to Song                    -Motive
Find two primary sources. 
-an artist’s analysis of their song                      -a critic’s analysis of the song           -reaction of an individual who listened to the song

Give the who, what, where, when, why:  -Song title, artist, publication company, publication date, Song lyrics
Give your analysis/opinion about your lyrics
-how does it relate to a person, event, or essence of a time period we have studied?  Use a visual to illustrate your points.
Give what the artist/critics said about your song (quote your source in the speech)
-summarize source one      -summarize source two      -who you agree with and why
Give what historians say about your person, event, or essence of time period (quote your source in the speech)

-summarize historian one  -summarize historian two  -who you agree with and why

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Thursday/Friday April 21-22

Ch. 23 Exam


We also handed out information on our song speech that we will work on next week!

20th Century Studies II  Song Analysis Speech    Due: __May 2nd_____

Task:  Chose a song recorded between 1960 and 1975 where the lyrics relate in some way to the 1960/70s history we have studied. In a speech, tell your peers what the song is about and how it ties into the history we have studied.
Historical Issues/Events to Consider:
Ch. 22 Civil Rights             Ch. 23 Era of Activism       Ch. 24 The Vietnam
Choose a Song:  Choose a song that has ONE of the following and was recorded from 1960-1975: person, event, counterculture
Research:  Find the following about your chosen song:
- Artist of song     - Recording company          -Date the song was recorded             - Lyrics to Song                    -Motive
Find two primary sources. 
-an artist’s analysis of their song                      -a critic’s analysis of the song           -reaction of an individual who listened to the song

Give the who, what, where, when, why:  -Song title, artist, publication company, publication date, Song lyrics
Give your analysis/opinion about your lyrics
-how does it relate to a person, event, or essence of a time period we have studied?  Use a visual to illustrate your points.
Give what the artist/critics said about your song (quote your source in the speech)
-summarize source one        -summarize source two        -who you agree with and why
Give what historians say about your person, event, or essence of time period (quote your source in the speech)

-summarize historian one    -summarize historian two    -who you agree with and why

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday/Wednesday April 19-20

 Chapter 23 Exam Review (Exam on Thursday and Friday)


1.       Evaluate how the Counterculture rejected the ways of generations that came before them.
·         Drugs and Music
·         Fashion and Art
·         Sexual Revolution
2.       Characterize the areas in which the Environmental Movement influenced government action in impacting the environment.
·         Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
·         Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
·         Clean Air/Water Acts
·         Rachel Carson
3.       Ethnic Minorities faced many racial and social obstacles.  Assess the ways they challenged equality and describe the impact it has had on today’s society.
·         Caesar Chavez
·         Migrant Farm Workers
·         United Farm Workers
·         Japanese American Citizens League (JACL)
·         American Indian Movement (AIM)
4.       Compare and Contrast the impact Feminism had in the United States in the 1960’s and 1970’s.
·         Betty Friedan/Gloria Steinam/Phyllis Schlafly
·         National Organization for Women (NOW)
·         Roe v. Wade
·         Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday April 18

Sprague Career Day


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thursday/Friday April 14-15

Today we did a Jigsaw on Chapter 23 Section 4.  If you missed class you either need to get class notes from another student or take Cornell Notes yourself on chapter 23 section 4 (The Environmental Movement)
Era of Activism – Environmental & Consumer Movements (23.4)
Answer the following questions using complete sentences that incorporate the question in your response.
  1. What was the story that followed “A Fable for Tomorrow”?       
  2. Your book claims that “the modern environmental movement would not have started without Rachel Carson.” Explain why this was?            
  3. What is the definition of grassroots?
  4. Why did almost all environmental movements begin as grassroots movements?
  5. What was the purpose of the Environmental Protection Agency?             
  6. What was the Clean Air Act and what did it do?           
  7. What was the Clean Water Act and what did it do?     
  8. Ralph Nader was a champion of consumer rights. 
  9. What did he focus on most intently in the 1960s?       
  10. What was the result of his efforts to fix the “coffins on wheels”?          
  11. What are 4 advantages of nuclear power? What are 4 disadvantages of nuclear power?

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tuesday/Wednesday April 12-13

Counterculture Prezi

23.3 Worksheet

Reader Response: On the back of the worksheet, respond to each passage by using one of the following per passage:

  • asking a question
  • reflecting (expressing personal thoughts or opinions)
  • predicting the effect
  • making personal connections

1. "The look of the 1960's was distinctive, frivolous, and free.  But it was also a signal of changing attitudes."

2. "Some hippies rejected traditional relationships and lived together in communal groups, where they often shared property and chores."

3. "Users of psychedelic drugs experience hallucinations and other altered perceptions of reality."

4. "The event was so much bigger than the music.  It was a phenomenon.  It was absolutely a phenomenon. And it was also the most peaceful, civilized gathering that was probably happening on the planet at that time."

Monday, April 11, 2016

Monday, April 11

Title IX PSD

Read the Primary Source Document.
1. Number the paragraphs
2. Underline any points made regarding unequal treatment of the girls softball team.
3. Answer the questions

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thursday/Friday April 7-8

Ethnic Minorities Notes

Using your notes and (Chapter 23 Section 2) complete the Era of Activism Table for the following three ethnic groups:
1. Latinos
2. Asian Americans
3. Native Americans
Era of Activism Table

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Tuesday/Wednesday April 5-6

Feminism Notes

Classification Organizer:
Create an organizer with Women's Movement as your central theme.
Higher Education Act, The Feminine Mystique, Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Shirley Chisholm, Women making .59 for every dollar a man earned, NOW, Roe v Wade, Ms. Magazine, National Women’s Political Caucus, Phyllis Schlafly

Make 3 legs to the organizer (see example)
Leg 1- Names of people we talked about and what they are known for
Leg 2- Legal/Political (Court cases, laws, political events we talked about)
Leg 3- Social (Social issues/books/events we talked about

Example Organizer

Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday April 4

1960's Cartoon and Questions

1960's Cartoon 


  1. When looking at the picture of 1960 and 1975 list 5 things that you notice/changed during this time period in American history.
  2. What was the perception (way people viewed the 60’s) of the 60’s?
  3. What made the sexual revolution possible?
  4. What are some of the negative side effects of the 1960’s?
  5. What is the perception gap?
  6. Tell me what happens to blacks in the 60’s (2 things).
  7. Give three things that happen for women during the women’s liberation movement.
  8. What were 3 of the problems scientists were waking up to during the Ecology Movement?
  9. List 3 things that come out of the Environmental movement.
  10. What is OPEC?
  11. Why did the oil crisis take place?
  12. Why did the oil crises have a big impact on the U.S.?
  13. What nations (dictators) did the U.S. back after Vietnam?
  14. How does Iran view the U.S.?