Thursday, May 21, 2015

Chapter 27 World Events
Summarize each of the following events
Eastern Europe
South Africa
Northern Ireland
Israel and Palestine


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Exam and notebook check tomorrow

Discuss Reagan’s foreign policy during his presidency.  Examine the major events that shaped his presidency.
  • SDI
  • Terrorism
  • Berlin Wall
  • Iran-Contra Affair
Compare and Contrast Reagan’s economic policies during his 1st and 2nd terms.  Discuss the impact they had on the United States.
  • Reaganomics
  • Tax Cuts
  • Farm Crisis
  • Unequal Wealth
Evaluate the goals of the New Right and how they impacted Reagan’s run for the Presidency.  Explain how it was used to combat the social issues that the country faced.
·         AIDS
·         Televangelism
·         Reagan Democrats

Monday, May 18, 2015

Today we played Jeopardy over Chapter 26.  Tomorrow we will go over the Exam essays and have the exam/notebook check on Wednesday.

Notebook Check
1. High Level Questions
2. Reagan Notes
3. Reagan Worksheet
4. Time Magazine Cover (1st per only)
5. 26.3 Questions
6. Compare and Contrast Organizer

Friday, May 15, 2015

Compare and Contrast Organizer

Make a compare and contrast organizer for Reagan's 1st and 2nd term.  One side will have programs that only took place during his first term, the other side will have programs that only took place in his second term.  The middle bubbles that connect the two terms are for programs that took place during both terms.
See the example below of how to organize it.

Compare and Contrast Organizer Example

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Chapter 26 Section 3 Questions

Give a detailed description of the following events

Bicentennial of the Constitution       Extension of the Voting Rights Act
Supreme Court appointments          S & L scandal
Iran-Contra affair                                 INF Treaty
Growth of entitlement programs

Explain significance of each of the following terms

AIDS                       Sandinistas
Contras                 Entitlement

1.  What changes did the American economy undergo in the 1980’s?
2.  How did Reagan’s style of governing contribute to the Iran-Contra affair?
3.  How did Americans celebrate their patriotism in the 1980’s?
4.  In what ways did the Reagan administration address ongoing debates on race?
5.  Why did entitlement spending have a negative effect on President Reagan’s legacy?
6.  How did Reagan’s patriotism affect public opinion?
7.  In a paragraph, explain how the influence of conservatives was felt during the Reagan years, both in social issues and changes to the Supreme Court.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Create a cover for Time Magazine using an example of something that happened during Reagan's presidency.

Assassination Attept
Iran Hostage Crises
Iran-Contra Affair
Berlin Speech
Military Buildup
Terrorist Activities in Middle East and Europe

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Finished Reagan Worksheet from yesterday

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Read chapter 26 section 1.  For each section in Blue, write 1-2 high level questions that could be used on an exam.

Costa's level of questioning-

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Ch. 25 Exam

1. Examine Nixon’s Foreign Policy and the impact on the nation.

2. Discuss the Watergate Scandal and the impact on Nixon’s Presidency.

3. Compare and contrast the presidencies of Ford and Carter and the major events that shaped their presidencies.

Friday, May 1, 2015

We finished the powerpoint on Chapter 25 (Carter Administration)  We started a worksheet on Chapter 25.5 and you need to get that worksheet from me if you were not in class.

Test Tuesday!