Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10

Final Review Sheet

The final will be over material covered this semester.  Below are key terms you will need to know as well as information in the chapters that we covered. 

JFK (Chapter 22)
Lee Harvey Oswald        Cuban Missile Crisis      Bay of Pigs                  Quarantine                    Zapruder
Medicare                       Fidel Castro                  New Frontier                  Bobby Kennedy                        Great Society   

Presidents (Chapter 24-27)
Jimmy Carter                 Ronald Reagan             George H.W. Bush        Bill Clinton        George W. Bush
Camp David Accords    Iran Hostage Crisis        Reaganomics                SDI                   Iran-Contra Affair
Persian Gulf War           Tiananmen Square         Whitewater                    Iraq War

Vietnam (Chapter 24)
Ho Chi Minh Trail           Geneva Accords           Viet Cong                                 My Lai Massacre          
Generation gap             Tet Offensive                Napalm                                     New Left
Teach-in                        Vietminh                       Conscientious objector              escalation

Nixon Era (Chapter 25)
H. R. Haldeman             Mao Zedong                 Bob Woodward                         Ed Kennedy
Spiro Agnew                 Henry Kissinger             John Mitchell                             Eugene McCarthy
Neil Armstrong              G. Gordon Liddy           John J. Sirica                            Michael Collins

Thursday, June 5, 2014

June 5

Final Notebook Check Due Friday

1. Clinton Notes
2. 27.2 Questions
3. Bush Notes
4. 27.3 Questions
5. Middle East Map
6. Forrest Gump Questions

Monday, June 2, 2014

May 30 and June 2-5

Use the map on p. 136-137 to find the following:

Label the following countries: Iran, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Turkey, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan and Turkmenistan

Label the following cities: Cairo, Amman, Beirut, Damascus, Jerusalem, Suez, Mecca, Aden, Baghdad, Tehran, Istanbul, Islamabad, Kabul, Ashgabat.

Also label: Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea, Tigris River, Euphrates River, Nile River, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula

Forrest Gump Movie Questions:  See me