Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25

Read and take notes on chapter 25 section 5 (Carter)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April 16

Read each stage of the Watergate scandal and write down 10-15 important words that jump out at you that describe the event for each stage.

Watergate Stages-

Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14

Foreign Policy Notes (section 2 on the powerpoint):

25.2 Questions Complete questions 1-8 on page 837

Thursday, April 10, 2014

April 10

Today we finished speeches.

We begin chapter 25 with a Name List.  Put this in your table of contents.  Find the following names in chapter 25 and write down what they are known for (importance).

Richard Nixon                H. R. Haldeman
John Ehrlichman             John Mitchell
Henry Kissinger             Strom Thurmond
Charles W. Colson        Daniel Ellsberg
E. Howard Hunt           G. Gordon Liddy
James McCord             Bob Woodward
Carl Bernstein              Alexander Butterfield
Archibald Cox

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 4-8

Song Speeches-

20th Century Studies II  Song Analysis Speech
Due: __April 8th_____

Task:  Chose a song recorded between 1960 and 1975 where the lyrics relate in some way to the 1960/70s history we have studied. In a speech, tell your peers what the song is about and how it ties into the history we have studied.
Historical Issues/Events to Consider:
Ch. 22 Civil Rights     Ch. 23 The Kennedy and Johnson Years      Ch. 24 The Vietnam

Choose a Song:
Choose a song that has ONE of the following and was recorded from 1960-1975: a person, an event, the “essence” of a time period (**this is a tougher song to analyze because it requires more history knowledge)
Find the following about your chosen song:
- Artist of song      - Recording company         -Date the song was recorded             - Lyrics to Song                    -Motive
Find two primary sources.  Examples:
-an artist’s analysis of their song                      -a critic’s analysis of the song           -reaction of an individual who listened to the song when it was released (can be an interview)
Find two secondary sources.  Examples:
-a historian’s analysis of the person, event, or essence in your song        
-your textbook’s analysis of the person, event, or essence in your song
Give the who, what, where, when, why:
-Song title, artist, publication company, publication date, Song lyrics
Give your analysis/opinion about your lyrics
-how does it relate to a person, event, or essence of a time period we have studied?  Use a visual to illustrate your points.
Give what the artist/critics said about your song (quote your source in the speech)
-summarize source one      -summarize source two      -who you agree with and why
Give what historians say about your person, event, or essence of time period (quote your source in the speech)
-summarize historian one  -summarize historian two  -who you agree with and why

Clear the song you would like to do with me prior to researching.   

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 1

Notebook Check Due Thursday
1. 24.1 Notes
2. 24.1 Questions
3. Vietnam Map
4. 24.2 Questions
5. I Am Poem
6. 24.3 Graphic Org.
7. 24.4 Jigsaw
8. Counterculture Notes
9. Counterculture Cartoon
10. Ch. 24 Review

Exam Thursday

Chapter 24 Review

Create a chart with the following words from the counter culture and list three examples for each.

1. Style and Fashion               2. Sexual Behavior      3. Drugs                      4.Music

5. What was the counterculture?  What are some characteristics of the counterculture?
6. What was the importance of the Woodstock Festival?
7. What are Pop Art and Op Art?
8. How was the Altamont concert different from the Woodstock Festival?
9. What new attitudes toward sexual activity and drugs were promoted by the counterculture?
10. What assumptions about mainstream society were made by the Counterculture?
11. Why did some members of the counterculture denounce the use of drugs?
12. What was the significance of the many colors the counterculture would use in their art?
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