Friday, January 17, 2014

Ch 21-Sec 5 Questions

Ch 21 section 5

1.   Would you have followed Martin Luther King, Jr. or one of the more militant leaders (such as Malcom X, Stokely Carmichael, and so forth)? Explain your answer.

2.   Write short diary entries about the riots of Harlem, Watts, Cleveland, Chicago, Newark, or Detroit from the point of view of all of the following people:

a.   A looter
b.   A white store owner
c.   A person who lives in the neighborhood

3.   How did Malcom X’s views change after his pilgrimage in 1964?

4.   What efforts did the Black Panthers make to improve the quality of life in black communities?

5.   What effect did the murders or Martin Luther King, Jr and Robert Kennedy have on people in America?

6.   How did Black Nationalism reflect a change from the early days of the civil rights movement?

7.   How did the Black Panthers reflect Stokely Carmichael’s idea of black power?

8.   Black nationalists believed that African Americans should establish separate communities.  Write a paragraph defending or opposing this position.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Key Terms Study Guide for sem 1 final exam

sit-in                                        de jure segregation                  black power            Freedom Rides                        Yalta Conference
March on Washington            Nation of Islam                       CORE                     Martin Luther King Jr.           38th parallel
de facto segregation             Civil Rights Act of 1964         SNCC                      Voting Rights Act of 1965      deterrence
Rosa Parks                              Bobby Kennedy                     Bus Boycott           SCLC                                      Rosenbergs
Selma March                           Brown v Board of Education  NAACP                  Bull Connor                            arms race   
Integration                               twenty-fourth amendment      filibuster                  Black Panthers                        Marshall Plan
Malcom X                               Elijah Muhammad                   beatnik                    conglomerate                           genocide
Franchise                                 transistor                                 baby boom              satellite nation                         D-Day
Cold War                                 NATO                                    Sputnik                    Blacklist                                  genocide
Brinkmanship                         McCarthyism                         HUAC                    Warsaw Pact                           internment camp
Manhattan Project                  Selective Service and Training Act                          victory garden                         carpet bombing

Ethnic Minorities Main Ideas

Below are four main ideas from Ch. 23, Section 2.  As you read, fill in at least two supporting details under each main idea.

Main Idea:  Latinos faced various forms of discrimination.

Main Idea:  Latino activists brought about significant progress in labor and politics.

Main Idea:  Asian Americans made some progress in their fight against discrimination

Main Idea:  Native Americans faced unique problems, which they tried to fight against, but achieved only limited success.

Define or identify each of the following terms
9. Latino
10. migrant farm worker
11. United Farm Workers (UFW)
12. American Indian Movement (AIM)